Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Kitchen progress

We have been working on our kitchen for awhile now. It started with some chalkboard paint, and we just added a green shade to cover all the yellow that was there before. I took down some upper cabinets with my mom and Aunt Einee and we are planning to put up some open shelves and extend the counter into the space we gained by switching the refrigerator to the other side of the kitchen.
I also got a new phone yesterday and I have been trying all morning to figure out why it won't let me upload photos to the blog from it. Supposedly I can create posts using the phone and it syncs up with this. Of course it's just not something that is quite as simple as it seems. I will probably never figure out all the fancy stuff it does, but I at least want to get this feature working! It even shoots video clips. Phones nowadays are ridiculous and I have officially caved to their technology with this new purchase.

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