Monday, May 17, 2010


I had to pretend I wasn't there and hide behind the couch in order to get this video. If I would have announced my presence it would have changed the whole thing, which is why you don't hear me offering any words of encouragement. He is so frustrated, but he is doing well. Our days are numbered as far as leaving him unattended in the next unbabyproofed room.

In other news, his two top front teeth have broken the gums! This may have happened awhile ago but it was just yesterday I was able to get a peek. For someone who puts everything in his mouth it's ridiculous how tight lipped he gets when he knows you WANT to get in it. If he wasn't a complete clone of me and Andy, this is another way I would know he was for sure our child and not switched at birth in the hospital. This kind of stubbornness takes generations to grow and nurture to the point of manifesting at 8 months. Holy crap, did I just write 8 months? Time is flying.

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