Friday, June 11, 2010

Morning Bath

I am inhaling my peanut butter sandwich while I upload this post. It's 1 pm and I've been ready to eat since 10:30. Louis and I went for a walk to scavenge through Georgetown today. I was hoping it was trash day because in that neighborhood there are treasures to be had on trash day, especially at the end of the school year when the kids at the dorms just put all their stuff on the sidewalk instead of packing it to take home, but alas it was just recycling which meant lots of empty wine bottles. I did find out about a block-wide yard sale happening tomorrow morning so we might have to return. There's also some fantastic houses for sale over in that neck of the woods, so if you've got a winning lottery ticket and a hankering for some humidity I can point you in the right direction. We were out for awhile and when we got back to the car Lou was ready to eat, so I put the key in the ignition, turned on the A/C and got in the back seat to feed him. Halfway through the feeding the parking enforcement vehicle showed up and parked right in front of us. Shit! We were long overdue and needed to get ourselves GONE! So, trusting that my little man sucks milk down like a champ and could handle a shorter feeding this round, I buckled him into his car seat and we took off. Well, you might know where this is going. He was NOT pleased. We made it home, I changed his diaper and put him down for a nap, and now here I am. Scarfing a peanut butter sandwich knowing full well I have some great ingredients in the refrigerator that are not going to be making it into any sort of wonderful meal anytime soon.

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