Thursday, July 1, 2010

Somebody's up to something...

No new pictures, but this one is from the other day and I really like it. He looks very suspect.
Our weather has been amazing and Louis has had a crash-course reaquaintance with Grandma Carol. He seems to like the salmon we introduced him to, and in the mornings he's been gnawing on the edges of my english muffin. Tonight we spiced up the beet routine by not pureeing them, but rather cutting them into chunks and topping them with goat cheese. I ate just as much as Louis, yum!!

Andy is finally home and Louis was so sweet when he saw him this morning. He was smiling and sort of playing but then stopped and just laid down on his tummy next to Andy and held real still while facing away, but with eyes open and a very serious face. Kind of like, "Whew, ok. You came back. That was weird, I need a moment to regroup." And then after a minute or so (which is a long time for a 9 month old to hold still!) he started playing again. Pretty cute.

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