Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Quite a Day

Yesterday morning Andy was sweet enough to get up early with Louis and let me sneak in some extra sleep. I came downstairs sometime after 7am and Andy said, "He walked to me!"
"What?! No way!" I replied.
"Yeah, watch."

So he stands Louis up an arms length away, makes sure he's got his balance and then lets go. Louis then takes 3 steps BY HIMSELF to Andy. I almost cried.
He did it again a few times throughout the day. Holy Crap.

And later in the day Louis and I were in the car headed to pick Andy up from work. I turned around to check on Louis while were stopped at a red light and what do I see? Louis is standing in his car seat, facing the front of the car, kind of hugging the front passenger seat with a look on his face that just says, " Yeah! Check this out, this is way better than sitting down facing backwards!"
I almost had a heart attack. How did he get out of his seat? How long was he standing? Oh my god Oh my god I need to put him back in the seat RIGHT NOW OH MY GOD.
So I pulled into someones driveway and buckled him back in. Louis thought nothing of it, but I was in shock. I'm pretty sure that in my haste to get out of the house and to Andys work on time I had forgotten to buckle Lou's seat, in the chaos of putting him in, getting sippy cup, forgetting sippy cup, running back into the house, etc. Bad Mom moment for sure. Ugh. That was a big screw up, but when I think about the look on Louis' face when I turned around and he was up and looking out the front window I can't help but smile.

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