Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Today the sink, faucets & countertops got installed. The plumber is coming back tomorrow to do the dishwasher since he was running late (surprise, surprise).
The amount of counter space we now have is going to be AWESOME. You can see there are 2 faucets, once is the main kitchen faucet, the little one to the right puts out filtered water for drinking/tea/coffee. I am super excited about this too because it filters out way more than a regular Brita pitcher, and I will no longer have the damn Brita pitcher taking up space in the refrigerator.

I am getting estimates on the backsplash this week and things will look much better once the walls are fixed up and painted. Next up other than completing the plumbing is getting the floor installed. Andy & I will be working on the baseboards this weekend & we are scheduled to have the Marmoleum installed next Thursday. Then the painters come immediately following. It looks like most of the kitchen will be done by May 7th, and the backsplash may get done the following week.

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