Thursday, September 1, 2011

Jean's 2 Month Check-Up

Jean went to the Dr. today. She is doing very well. She weighed in at 15lbs and 12 oz. Almost 16 lbs!! She's also 24 inches long, which puts her in the 95th percentile for height, (she's 98th percentile for weight). Her head circumference isn't too shabby either. I think she drops down to the 90th percentile for that one.
The pediatrician said she was VERY alert and joked about how Jean thinks she is older than she really is because she is so big.
She received her first vaccination, and I also received a Tdap, and now my arm really hurts. I can only imagine how her poor little leg feels.

She enjoyed her bath this evening with Louis & Mommy, and she went to sleep at 7:30, SHIT YEAH!!! Thank you baby Jean!

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