Sunday, July 26, 2009

We are SO close to finishing the hallway. One more coat of paint and some touch ups and it will be done. You can see what it looks like below. I think some people were a little skeptical about the idea of color on the ceiling, but i love it and think it looks awesome.
This weekend Andy caulked and spackled the baby's room, and our goal is to start painting in there next week. Who knew that if you ever needed motivation to speed up any type of home improvement plans, all you had to do was get pregnant. Seriously. As we continue on our quest to finish the upstairs before October, I realized that if we are successful we will have painted or resurfaced in some way nearly every inch of wall/floor or ceiling in the 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, and hall that exist up there, within 1 year. No wonder my back hurts. Did I mention it's also 90 degrees?
Speaking of heat, our tomato plants have some sort of fungus. We've been reading about various remedies, but given the heat and other things we are up to, I can't bring myself to get outside and try them out.

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