Monday, May 2, 2011

Almost Done Painting

It keeps amazing me how much a coat of paint can change a room. Deep down you know it will, and you try and visualize what it will be like based on the tiniest swatch of a sample. (Well, okay we had a LOT of big swatches in our living room and dining room for quite some time). But then you commit to the color and the room gets painted and you think, "Wow! That really changed everything!"
Well tomorrow the painters come back to finish the radiator, and some trim and doors, but here's a look at the progress. It feels so calm in the kitchen now with the floor and the paint, I can't wait to get the backsplash installed next week and start hanging up our shelves and bringing dishes and pots and pans back into the kitchen so we can cook again!
It's hard to get the color represented right in photographs, this is as close as I could get.

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