Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Gone With the Wind

It was really windy last night. I was watching an episode of House and eating coffee ice cream (bad idea at 9pm when it's made with real coffee) when I realized how windy it actually was and I felt a sense that something wasn't quite right. I could see the trees blowing all around, I could hear the movement of the air above the flue of the fireplace, but something was missing. This was not a normal windy night at our house. Then it hit me. NO MORE SQUEAKING in the back corner!! The creaking sound that we've been hearing when wind blows for the past 3 years is now GONE. It's all because of Andy. He called up Verizon and got them to come out and remove a dead wire that was connected to the side of the house from the power line that was tangled in a tree. This is what was causing the squeak, and as anyone who has ever dealt with Verizon or Comcast can attest, it is NO SMALL FEAT to get them to come out and do work that they cannot charge you for. So, while this may not be kitchen related, I have to say that it is nonetheless monumental. Like on par with completing the kitchen. So freakin' awesome, Andy, thank you!!!
Here is a video of Louis & Andy getting their wiggles out to some rock 'n' roll.

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